The Office Term for Council members is three (3) years
The NACN is a permanent body, established through the National Arts Fund of Namibia Act, (2005), which is responsible for the control and management of the Fund.
The funding cycle will take place once every year. 
We usually respond in February in the new year.

Take note of the following timeline when you want to apply for a grant or bursary

The submission of applications usually has a deadline around September or October. This is because you are applying in the current year for the project you are going to do in the following year. After the deadline, the Secretariat sends an SMS to every applicant to confirm receipt of the application. After that, the Secretariat works through the applications and summarize all applications. This is to prepare all applications for the GRANTS- and BURSARY sub-committees which will then convene end-of-November or beginning-of-December every year. These sub-committees then evaluate and make recommendations to the Council. The Council then meets for the first Council meeting in the new year, usually in January/February. That's when the final approvals or rejects are confirmed on all applications which were screened by the Sub-comimttees. After this specific Council meeting, the Secretariat responds immediately to all applicants via SMS to inform them if their application was sucessful or not. Then, the successful ones are invited to sign contracts with the Administrator. The unsuccessful applicants are usually informed in writing in order to spell out the reasons for rejection.
Definitely, literature is a written or word art. People who want to publish poetry, stories, scripts, novels, magazines, community newspapers are encouraged to apply.
If the project is seen as viable and meets the expectations and objectives of the NACN, an applicant will receive the amount applied for. Only when the amount for instance is over N$50,000 or N$100,000, then NACN grants those amounts depending on the quality of the project proposal and its presentation, and if it is not enough, Council would then advise the applicant to source additional funding elsewhere.

It is important to note that NACN only pays directly to third parties and not to the artist themselves.
Objectives are your overall long term goals, they are what it is that one hopes to achieve by carrying out an activity or project. Expected results are short term and are measured throughout the project.
Copies of the National Arts Fund Act can be obtained from the NACN office ( Government Office Park, Ministry of Education, Arts & Culture Building, Ground Floor, Rooms 018, 017, 023 and 025). These offices are all occupied by staff members of the National Arts Council Secretariat. Or you can download it here...
The council is currently not in the position to fund artists and arts organisations to the extent that it wants to, due to an insufficient budget, therefore it cannot fund films which would cost much more than the NACN can afford. Additionally, the government institution, the Namibia Film Commission is already specifically mandated to fund local film makers. Thus, because film is also an art-form, funding has been limited to smaller items of film budgets such as make-up and costumes.
Yes, all they need to do is motivate or justify how their project or activity will meet the objectives of the NACN and contribute to the realisation of Arts and Culture Vision 2030 objectives.
The Arts Council considers more, the need and importance of art works. However, costing might play a role if the relevance of the art project is to be measured. 
The registrar is the National Arts Council of Namibia Secretariat. 
The Secretariat is housed in the offices of the Directorate of Arts, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture in Luther Street, Government Office Park, Ministry of Education Building, Ground Floor, Room 018.

All artists applying for funding from the NACN would have to be registered with the NACN.

Registration fees are as follows:

Furthermore, two passport photos are required when you register - one for the registration-form itself, and one for your membership card. Membership cards are usually issued two months after registration.
Not a responsibility, but if a project has the potential to achieve certain objectives of the NACN, the application is good and the applicant needs start up material or equipment, the council is at liberty to fund material or equipment, provided that they do this within the funding process and not after the period of application.
This will be done through the use of broadcast (radio/television) and print (newspaper/brochures/information booklet) media to reach all corners of the country. Artists and Arts organisations in the regions may also request for the information via e-mail (internet) and courier services (post office).
According to the current NACN Governance Policy, ONLY Namibian citizens qualify for funding.
The NACN is funding applicants according to the quality of their proposed projects, activities, and how they will meet the objectives of the NACN. Decisions will be made on an equal, fair and balanced basis. There will be no discrimination to any applicants who all stand equal opportunities to get funding from the NACN. Therefore, the evaluation process involves three (3) levels, namely:

(i) The Secretariat (no decision making or voting powers. The Secretariat screens all applications to make sure that the requirements at met; that all relevant and required documentation is attached; that the application forms are completed correctly; This is the first level where an application might be rejected because it does not meet the requirements; It is usually placed in the 'reject box'. However, it is important to remember, that even the 'reject'-box is going through to the next level for the purpose of transparency and fairness;

(ii) The second level is that of the SUB-COMMITTEES (two different committees with members from the public who have vested interest in the arts, combined with Council members who are then devided into the two groups). In other words, there is a sub-committee for bursary applications alone and a sub-committee for the grants alone; Now these two sub-committees do a second screening of the applications and deliberate on the content of each application; they look at its content, quality, relevance, costing, timelines, duration, and value. The sub-committees then make RECOMMENDATIONS to the third and final level, the National Arts Council; Remember the 'reject'-Box? Well, the 'reject'-box is dealt with by the sub-committees for the last time. For the sake of transparency, the Secretariat presents the 'reject'-box to the sub-committees with all its content and explain why those applications are rejected already in the first level. If the sub-committee members agree with the reasons for rejection, those applications remain rejected, or they can decide to re-consider them, or some of them.

(iii) The third and final level: The National Arts Council meets specifically to hear the feedback from the sub-committees and receive the recommendation-list. The Council then evaluates the recommendations and either approve, or disapprove these recommendations. Remember that the Council reserves the right to change any recommendation by the sub-committees based on the application's content and merit. So, a none-recommended application might be overturned and approved. The same applies to recommended applications.

(iv) Lastly, an applicant with a rejected application may appeal and request the Council to reconsider its decision.
If a person gets a grant and they successfully execute an activity or project they are eligible to apply again for funding. It is only in cases where projects or activities were not carried out as stated in the proposal, contractual obligations were not met (oh yes! you sign a contract if your application is approved), and no reporting was given to the NACN, that an individual or organisation would not qualify for more funding.
The council will be in the position to fund school arts activities, such as theatre shows, exhibitions, fashion shows, music shows, poetry presentations etc with the aim to encourage future artists and to broaden the students’ audience base. This would be through funding road shows, performances at public venues etc. The NACN is also in the position to fund arts workshops which can always conclude with exhibitions of end products, which the students can keep or sell.